Viitorul digital pentru sectoarele creative - studiu de caz: muzeele


Viitorul digital pentru sectoarele creative


Ce public tind să intercationeze cel mai mult online cu fenomenul cultural?

Cum pot muzeele să folosească instrumentele de tip analytics?

Ce segmente de public sunt mai puțin susceptibile de a fi atinse digital?

Cum și-au schimbat muzeele oferta digitală in urma pandemiei?

Your score is

The average score is 18%


Video materials:


  • Arts Council England has a Digital Culture Compass – a free online tool to help identify your organisation’s digital strengths and weaknesses. If you are in England, you can also access support from ACE’s Digital Culture Network.

In the devolved nations, the following bodies will be able to provide further help: 


For further insights, research and examples of best practice, you may like to try the following organizations:


Ajutați-ne să îmbunătățim

Chestionar online de evaluare
ACSOL Toolkit

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